
When a nonprofit stands for something controversial, there’s always the possibility of being vulnerable to those that oppose them. In this case, the website was hacked, bogged down, and needed some analysis and quick fixes to get back up and running. Haggard Newman was able to work with the client to tackle their issues, implement some fixes, and suggest some next steps that the client could consider for the future.


Website Analysis & Diagnostic


Nonprofit (10K+ visitors/mo.)

What We Did

Web Analysis, Diagnostic Troubleshooting, Reporting

How The Project Was Received

[We] see a big improvement with the site, and I don't believe we've had any problems adding material to the site. We are very pleased with your service... I don't know what we would have done if we had to try to find someone to do the job quickly and fairly, plus there is always the issue of the site being about a sensitive issue that makes us want to choose someone trustworthy. I need to thank [my friend] again for recommending you!

T. Jinn